Te Wehi Nui
Te Wehi Nui research project began in 2007 at the James Henare Maori Research Centre at the University of Auckland. It sought to investigate and contribute towards strengthening the relevance of iwi/hapū marae and regional language among Māori youth. The research included surveys of youth on te reo and marae. Another part of the project explored knowledge about the heritage of marae locales and regional language from tribal experts.
The resulting publication was Maranga Mai: Te Reo and Marae in Crisis? An edited book (by Merata Kawharu) featuring academic, community and educational prespectives toward the language and marae. As of 2021, we are building an integrated platform to host archival, video and audio material concerning korero from the Bay of Islands, Takahiwai, North Kaipara and Hokianga regions of Tai Tokerau. Stay tuned.